Stealth 457 Drag Controller – The ULTIMATE in Drag Controllers. With two 12 position switches you have a phenomenal range of control. Left Switch ( A -L ) is your standard control switch with (L) being the fastest setting and (A) offering the most resistance. This switch also offers you speed control on your glue rollout button. Right Switch ( 1 – 12 ) is your fine tune control with (12) being the fastest setting and (1) being the lowest. With the Blast switch (off) you control the power to the car through the entire pass. With it (on) You are controlling the soft launch feature with left and right switches. This is very helpful to launch great with the least amount of glue. (faster E.T.’s). We do not recommend running Group 7 (Open) motors without blast being (on) as this will over heat the transistor. The unit is fuse protected against a direct short. If you blow a fuse replace with a 30 amp mini only. With 144 settings with and 144 without blast These are Great for index racing or really fine tuning your Heads up or Bracket car.
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